Having just finished reading James Pentons "Apocalypse Delayed" 3rd. edition, He did not seem to have any problem naming names both in good standing and otherwise..
I did appreciate his controlled,scholarly approach but there were places in the book you feel his anger almost smoking hot
I feel and understand your anger,,mine runs deep. Just .an example of what fuels mine is when my beloved grandaughter was molested by her jw step father , he used the excuse that the 11 year old came on to him .Were the elders outraged at such an excuse? far from it ,one accused her of being a Dinah influence on the ex.
I could do some pretty bad things to those frauds,, I certainly think bad things and at times get pretty riled up.
I know some of those names ,those from Seattle and am glad to see that their blinders are slipping.
Hope you have success ,minimize the colateral damage.